Operation Rudolph Year #2 - Christmas lights project @ Southland Hospital
Our Club has had a long association with projects, fundraising and support to Southland Hospital from gardens, to playgrounds, and medical equipment.
When we received contact from clinical staff in 2023 asking for support to bring some Christmas 'cheer' to patients, friends and family visiting those in hospital and staff working at Christmas, President Chami welcomed the opportunity to reconnect.
Conversations on how our Club could support progressed, with the internal Courtyard and a large wreath being allocated to us as our contribution within the wider community collaboration.
A donation of Christmas lights, a large wreath and decorations was approved. President Chami and Past President Lisa-Maree took the lead on 2023 set up / install.
Year #1 courtyard lights, wreath purchased & decorated
Courtyard light tree and lights were installed during the day.
With night visits for testing and adjustments as required.
This year # 2, we made a further donation of lights and were tasked with extending our installation contribution to the front of the hospital.
Chami, Lisa-Maree and family along with NRG transferee, Andrew did Operation Rudolph install # 2 on Saturday 7th December.
With the 2024 night visit for checking and testing going well.
Some of the 2024 donations in place shining bright.
Fairy lights and net lights make the front gardens twinkle.
We have also made a contribution on the community collaboration on the re-install of the "H J Smith" Sleigh.
Conversations have started for Year # 3 of Operation Rudolph. If you are keen to join the project committee please reach out to Chami or Lisa-Maree.