He starts from the premise that people are body, mind and spirit.
“The body searches for sustenance, the mind for knowledge, the spirit for meaning beyond what the body and mind can provide,” he says.
“As a Christian, this means I have found that meaning in my belief in God through the witness of Jesus Christ.”
Rev Dunn is the Senior Minister for Windsor Community Church and is also a long-serving Rotary Club of Invercargill member.
As Moderator Designate it means Rev Dunn has been elected to be the next Moderator of the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand and that role will begin in October 2025 for two years.
He will remain based in Invercargill remaining as the Senior Minister, but he will travel throughout New Zealand to engage with other denominational leaders as Churches work together on social issues.
As part of that group, he will also meet with the Prime Minister and Cabinet Members about twice a year.
“I feel honoured by PCANZ in electing me to this role. Helen, my wife, and my family are very proud of the recognition.”
“I’m excited by the challenge of leading PCANZ as it engages with secular ideologies that do not line up with Christian thought and belief.”
Rev Dunn’s family has an unbroken link with the Presbyterian Church for at least 12 generations going back to Scotland.
While his father was a Minister, he says that was not enough to keep him in the Church.
“You can’t live on the faith of your parents. You have to discover it for yourself. As for being a Minister I had no intention of being one, but here we are 33 years later.”
To read more click through to the official Media Statement released on his appointment.
Media release: Invercargill minister will be next leader of the Presbyterian Church | Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand