As part of our membership drive a crew were out and about at the ILT Stadium on Saturday to maxamise the opportunity to discuss Rotary as well as handing out flyers for the upcoming car boot sale to the thousands of people who were attending the Multicultural Food Festival.
Rotary shared part of the booth that was dedicated to showcasing water projects under way in Southland.
Rotary Sunrise, in particular, has been involved with water projects like its "fish in drains".
Having a shared stand meant all Rotary clubs could take part to promote Rotary itself to the wider public.
Caption: The University of Otago New Zealand Marine Studies Centre Programme Aquavan came down south for the event. The Aquavan is equipped with re-circulating seawater tanks to allow it to transport live marine species. A mobile touch tank for hands-on learning creates awareness and understanding of the connectivity between river health and the coastal environment.
Photos of Rotarians being People of Action were on display along with information on other projects.
A flyer with all six clubs' meetings times, days, facebook pages and websites were distributed at the event with the hope it will encourage awareness about Rotary and help to boost membership.
The presidents of the Invercargill clubs are also collaborating on updating the Rotary signs on Tay and Dee streets that will have a QR code highlighting the contact details and links to each of the six Rotary clubs in the city.